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Details here and below about this event on Nov 19!
Get ready for the most fun you’ve had since business entertainment was deductible. The Marriner S. Eccles Institute at the University of Utah invites you to participate in a virtual reception “at” the NTA’s 113th Annual Conference on Taxation on Thursday, November 19th from 7:30—9:00 pm EDT.

This is an excellent chance to connect with old friends, make new ones, and share your unabridged thoughts about the NTA conference. Think of this event as a conference cocktail party, minus the annoying cocktails. It’s what will put the “A” in your NTA this year.

The event, Eccles @ NTA, opens with a tax-themed question and answer game show featuring Rosanne Altshuler (Rutgers), Yoram Bauman (The Stand-up Economist), and Nic Duquette (USC) as participants, with Jim Hines (Michigan) as moderator. And no, this will not be recorded, so if you’re late you will not get to learn each participant’s most embarrassing itemized deduction.

Breakout sessions will follow. These will be fun rather than awkward; it’s our tax crowd, after all. ***

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