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Reed College

Portland OR Portland, OR, United States

At Reed College in Portland OR on Th Nov 7 at 7pm in Psych 105. Free and open to the public!

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis MN Minneapolis, MN, United States

I'll be at the University of Minnesota for a comedy talk that's free and open to the public: Coffman Memorial Union - 3rd Floor Mississippi [...]


Provo UT Provo, UT, United States

I'll be at BYU on W Feb 5, doing a serious talk ("State-level action on climate and clean air: C'mon Utah!") at noon in 238 [...]

Timpanogos Chautauqua

Orem UT Orem, UT, United States

I'll be doing some comedy and talking about action on climate and clean air as part of a community event called Timpanogas Chautauqua on Saturday [...]

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor MI Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Details TBD at the Ford School March 11-13, but here's what I know so far: Wednesday, March 11 12pm-1pm; Yoram Bauman Opening Lecture - Implementing [...]


State College PA State College, PA, United States

I'll be at Penn State on Monday April 13 for a class visit at 10am and a comedy talk at 8pm. Details TBD!

POSTPONED Brown University

Providence RI Providence, RI, United States

I'll be visiting Brown University for a comedy-and-carbon-tax talk on the evening of Th April 16 and a visit to Prof Alex Poterack's environmental econ [...]

Tentative in upstate NY

Upstate NY Oneonta, NY, United States

Details TBD about an event (or events) tentatively planned in Oneonta NY for the week of April 20, 2020.