Respectfully offered as a tribute to Robert Stavins as part of the 2014 Miller Upton Forum at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin.
The Beloitysburg Address
Four score and seven months ago [i.e., about 2007] brave political leaders brought forth on this continent some new climate policies, conceived in economic liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all external costs should be internalized.
Now we are engaged in a great political war, testing whether those policies, or any policies so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.
We are met on a potential battlefield of that war, and we have come to dedicate a portion of our lives to honor the work of one who is devoting his life to putting a price on pollution.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what he has done here.
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that we here highly resolve that these economic theories shall not have been scribbled in vain—–that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of economic freedom and environmental protection—–and that the governments and peoples on this earth, of this earth, and—whether we like it or not—over this earth, shall not perish from this earth.
Thanks for this!
Thanks for supporting this important battle.
In this war, would it not be better to outflank the enemy by using the powers of the communities, the internet and market forces, to build an alternative and only later attack from the back!
To illustrate I am working on a Letter to Malala Fund
How to get all girls to school?
I got a plan how to get it done, how to reach the most remote nook on the globe and how to upscale.
A bit like this:
No girl school nearby or too expensive? Start yr own school or educational consultancy, We w help to get on-line, with info, support and funding For tablet based education see
#TreeCredits is mobilizing the #ThirdStream of Sustainable Development Finance (besides Gov/UN and Com/Funds) Using online, low-waste methods. For solutions for #Poverty and #ClimateChange, the Education of Girls is key
I am fully independent and design and make educational wooden toys in Sri Lanka. I have a background in community development and microfinance.