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3rd Annual AEA Economics Humor Session in Honor of Caroline Postelle Clotfelter
January 8, 2011
At 8pm in the Sheraton Hotel South Convention Lobby. The humor session is the only part of the American Economic Association annual meeting that is free and open to the public! (Registration for the full conference is well worth it if you’re into economics 🙂 The tentative line-up is David Lefkovits of limericksecon.com (his paper is called “Limericks Économiques” by Dr. Goose”), Nicholas Tilipman and Mark Butler of the Ecocomics blog (“Supplying Justice, Demanding Vengeance: The Economics of Comic Books”), Jodi N. Beggs of economistsdoitwithmodels.com (“The Economics of the Simpsons”), and yours truly (“CBO versus OMB… OMG!”)… with N. Gregory Mankiw presiding!