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Yoram Bauman, Ph.D., Sightline Institute
Jenny Liu, Ph.D. and Jeff Renfro, Northwest Economic Research Center
Horizon Room, Oregon State University Memorial Union
112 Memorial Union Corvallis, OR
Pricing carbon pollution, either by a tax or through a cap and trade mechanism, is widely recommended by economists as an efficient, pro-growth strategy for reining in the pollution that is causing dangerous and irreversible changes to the atmosphere and the ocean, and threatening our present and future environment and economy. The expert economists speaking at this event will provide engaging and rich information about this important public concern.
Yoram Bauman, Ph.D., https://standupeconomist.com/, the world’s first and only “stand-up economist,” is affiliated with the Sightline Institute and a leader of the CarbonWA.org revenue-neutral carbon tax campaign in Washington State.
Jenny Liu, Ph.D. is Assistant Director and Jeff Renfro is Senior Scientist at the Northwest Economic Research Center, http://www.pdx.edu/nerc/home. The Center recently completed an authoritative analysis of a carbon tax in Oregon commissioned by Senate Bill 306, on which they will report.
Light refreshments will be provided.
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NW Friends of Union of Concerned Scientists (https://www.facebook.com/NorthwestFriendsOfUCS)
Oregon State University Office of Student Affairs (http://oregonstate.edu/studentaffairs/)
Oregon State University Student Sustainability Initiative (http://sli.oregonstate.edu/ssi)
Oregon State University Sustainability Office (http://fa.oregonstate.edu/sustainability)
League of Women Voters of Corvallis, Oregon (http://www.lwvor.org/)
Oregon Climate (http://www.oregonclimate.org/)
Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Corvallis Chapter (https://citizensclimatelobby.org/)

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