University of South Dakota
April 24, 2024 - April 25, 2024
I will be at the University of South Dakota on April 24-25, mostly to give a talk at the ODE dinner on Th April 25, but hopefully also for a stage reading of my play on W April 24 or Th April 25. Email me for details about either or both!
My talk at the ODE (Omicron Delta Epsilon) dinner:
Title: An inside look at the soap opera of carbon pricing
Description: Betrayal. Deceit. Ambition. Hope. Oil companies. Yoram Bauman, the “the world’s first and only stand-up economist”, has studied and advocated for pocketbook-friendly carbon tax policies for almost twenty years. He will dish the dirt about the theory and practice of state-level carbon pricing, focusing not only on blue states like Washington State (where the drama includes two failed carbon tax ballot measures and a cap-and-trade bill, recently passed by the state legislature, that voters may repeal this November) but also on red states like Utah and South Dakota, where hope springs eternal for pocketbook-friendly bipartisan approaches to climate action. Come learn why economists love carbon pricing so much, and one man’s views on whether that love is doomed to exist only in textbooks.