- A great Everett Herald editorial: It’s time for a carbon tax
- Sightline’s Talking Carbon Taxes, Free-Enterprise Style
- In transportation news, a modest transportation bill is heading for the Governor’s desk: “Lawmakers are leaving aside for now the more contentious question of a transportation revenue package that would augment the budget. That debate is set to resume in a special session…”
- In Oregon a carbon tax study bill (SB 306) is moving forward through the legislature; here’s the most recent bill language I can find. During a hearing last week “the industrial owned utilities came out against it, as did the rural electric coop, but that was all (and frankly, that was to be expected). We had good support for the study and task force bill and testimony from: Building Trades, Iberdrola, Skanska, Metro (regional gov’t), Eugene Water and Electric Board, CUB [Citizens’ Utility Board], Oregon Law Center (low income advocates), and Main Street Alliance (small business association).” Two other good recent articles on Oregon: Three issues to watch in Oregon’s carbon tax debate and A smarter tax for Oregon, by Tom Potiowsky, Northwest Economic Research Center, PSU.
- In Europe, Paid Permits for Pollution Are Fizzling
- On the lighter side, a great (and relevant) comedy routine: David Crowe: Gasaholic
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