- Cap and Fade by James Hansen. Paul Krugman’s critique here, including a good explanation of the fundamental similarities between carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems. See also Krugman here.
- Canada: Bad boy of the 21st century.
- In a Manhattan Classroom, Judaism Meets the Facts of Life. So began another day in Jewish Sexual Ethics, the course better known around Ramaz, even to its teacher, as “Sex With the Rabbi.”
- Cantwell, Collins Propose Carbon Auction: Bill Reduces Emissions, Returns Revenue to Consumers. More here. My quote: If you’re looking for a climate policy that combines simplicity, efficiency, and equity, the cap-and-dividend approach in the CLEAR Act is hard to beat.
- Copenhagen’s political science by Sarah Palin.
- Opinion: Five Myths About Fighting Global Warming. Myth #3: Americans won’t support a carbon tax. See their polling here. I don’t exactly believe it—I don’t think Americans are ready to support higher energy prices, and the poll doesn’t go out of its way to point out that energy prices will go up—but maybe I’m wrong.
- Picking (Up) Winners Without Placing a Bet. A great example with which to discuss the efficient market hypothesis and the Grossman-Stiglitz paradox.
- UW climate scientist warms to work on food supply, about David Battisti, who gives guest lectures in ENVIR 100.
- You Shouldn’t Have: The economic argument for never giving another gift. By Joel Waldfogel
- State lures firms with carbon tax credit. Congratulations Tennessee (or something 🙂
- Costly Carbon Cuts by Bjorn Lomborg
- Copenhagen: Emissions, Treaties and Impacts
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