- Cheap Mobile Calls, Even Overseas.
- The First Senator From the Tea Party?
- Southern Schools Mark Two Majorities: majority minority, majority poor.
- Jean Carroll, 98, Is Dead; Blended Wit and Beauty: “a comedian of the 1940s and ’50s whose ready wit, impeccable timing and unorthodox blend of glamour and humor made her one of the first female stars of mainstream stand-up comedy”.
- The Climate of Belief: American Public Opinion on Climate Change
- Kingswood-Oxford School in Hartford: where my mother and maternal grandmother went to school.
- A debate about the costs of emissions reductions and “$10 bills on the ground”: Brookings’ Ted Gayer, Brad DeLong, Paul Krugman, Gayer again.
- LED Signals Seen as Potential Hazard. A good reminder about the complexities of life.
- Council in France Blocks a Carbon Tax as Weak on Polluters
- Top 10 movies (plus two extras) that were overlooked in 2009
- A Way to Share in a Nation’s Growth. A bit confusing, but it talks about something like a perpetuity.
- Search, but You May Not Find: Google violates antitrust?
- When It’s Cold Inside: About LIHEAP.
- Kim Peek, Inspiration for ‘Rain Man,’ Dies at 58
- To Save the Planet, Save the Seas
- Alice Schiller, Impresaria of Striptease, Dies at 95: “The club was also internationally famous for its attached institution of higher learning, the Pink Pussycat College of Strip Tease, familiarly called the Navel Academy of the West.”
- The Price of Disappointment: low carbon prices post-Copenhagen.
- Secrets of the Economist’s Trade: First, Purchase a Piggy Bank: My first mention in the WSJ!
- An Economist Stands Up for a Less Dismal Science (subscription required): From the Jan 3 Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Me on CNN. Memo to self: Go a bit slower on the hand gestures, and don’t reach your hands out toward the camera because it makes them look huge 🙂
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