- Democrats Warm to Obama as a Campaign Ally: This month, Mr. Obama’s pivot into an “all of the above” energy policy platform, one more or less lifted from the Republicans’ 2008 campaign, is something moderate Democrats, many of whom support things like the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that Mr. Obama has blocked, are also happy to hear.
- What’s Wrong With Climate Change Economics In One Chart
- Oil sands, green groups unlikely allies in push for carbon tax: The author, Simon Fraser University’s Nancy Olewiler, urges Ottawa to scrap energy subsidies, streamline regulations and implement “full-cost pricing” on air contaminants, water use and greenhouse-gas emissions.
- Dogging Mitt Romney
- Women in Texas Losing Options for Health Care in Abortion Fight
- Even Dairy Farming Has a 1 Percent
- Web Sites Shine Light on Petty Bribery Worldwide
- In China, Sobering Signs of Slower Growth
- Preschoolers in Surgery for a Mouthful of Cavities (because of lack of tooth-brushing, constant snacking, and bottled water without fluoride)
- A Stand-Up Joke Is Born (about Myq Kaplan)
- Stand-up Economist delivers GOPers with global warming surprise (a great learning experience for me, and the audience was reasonably tolerant too 🙂
- >A North Carolina Lifeline Built on Shifting Sands
- Pay as you pump: “Oh, and really really never mind the fact that both Mr. Chu and Mr. Mankiw are right: Gasoline is significantly undertaxed in the United States — in two senses.”
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