- Planning a Financial Tuneup
- Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006
- Can climate hawks campaign for something good instead of against something bad? By David Roberts: The wonk fantasy of tax-it-and-forget-it is not going to happen.”
- More on the death of SO2 Cap’n Trade. See also Is the SO2 Trading Program Dying or Only Napping? and Whatever happened to SO2 trading?
- Crop Insurance Proposal Could Cost U.S. Billions
- Working Families Tax Rebate: A Tool for Economic and Fiscal Recovery. See also A Primer on the Working Families Tax Rebate
- Bill Finkbeiner, endorsed by WCV
- New Value for Land in Rural Ohio: fracking
- Solar Panel Payments Set Off a Fairness Debate
- A Conservative’s Approach to Combating Climate Change by Jonathan Adler
- Even in Coal Country, the Fight for an Industry; but see also The Coal Hard Facts: Environmentalists fervently wish for the end of coal. Here’s why it can’t be replaced anytime soon.
- Indelible Image of a Boy and a President
- On the Streets of San Francisco With a Gallon of Gas to Go: Prius
- E2 Feature: Impacts of a Carbon Tax
- Public Money Finds Back Door to Private Schools: “An economics book used in some high schools holds that the Antichrist — a world ruler predicted in the New Testament — will one day control what is bought and sold.” I think it’s Economics: Work and Prosperity, but I’m not sure. “Description: One semester course. Emphasis on free enterprise capitalism in a free market economy sets this book apart from the competition. The Biblical views of work, wealth, and stewardship appear throughout the text, helping students to understand the proper economic roles of individual producers and consumers as well as that of the government from a conservative, Christian perspective. The stark contrast between the market economy—the cornerstone of prosperity in the United States—and the command economy—the hallmark of fiscal failure in Communist countries—is graphically presented in illustration of the economic principles that govern all societies. Essential concepts such as competition in the marketplace and private ownership of capital are discussed from a conservative perspective.”
- Degrees of Debt: This series examines the implications of soaring college costs and the indebtedness of students and their families.
- O Canada: A neglected nation gets its Nobel. By Paul Krugman, Oct. 19, 1999 (about Mundell and the Euro)
- Me in the news: Jeanne Lang Jones, Questions for: Yoram Bauman, stand-up economist, author, fellow, Sightline Institute, Puget Sound Business Journal, May 11 2012; Johannes Pennekamp, Yoram Bauman: Der Stand-up-Ökonom, Frankfurter Allgemeine Wirtschaft, May 23 2012; Breaking up with your bank and renting/buying videos on CNN Money.
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