Here’s the latest draft, which covers the entire book, as a 15-meg 2-to-a-page PDF. (This is better for printing and mimicking the feel of holding an actual book, but if you want the 30-meg 1-to-a-page PDF then here’s a self-extracting 1-to-a-page PDF .rar file, with thanks to Dieu Thuy Nguyen.) Also FYI here’s a first draft of the page notes.
Note that we didn’t do much (if any) editing to Parts 1 and 2, so suggestions that you made on those parts are still under discussion. Our focus in the last month was completing a draft of the 3rd and final part of the book!
Comments welcome on the wiki or via email, etc! Note that Chapters 1-7 are close to being locked-in except for text changes, but of course we’re always happy to correct errors and consider alternatives; Chapters 8-11 (and especially 12-16) are in much rougher shape and have greater potential for structural change.
Could you please send me a bigger version of the cartoon? When is the official version out? Can I share it on my blog?
Dieu Thuy