Cartoon Macro now available in Japan!
Published by Diamond, available at Amazon Japan and elsewhere. PS. Here's info about the micro book. And, courtesy of the publisher, here's one of my [...]
Published by Diamond, available at Amazon Japan and elsewhere. PS. Here's info about the micro book. And, courtesy of the publisher, here's one of my [...]
Jodi Beggs of has provided some helpful annotations to my latest video, "S*** happens: The economics version". (In case you missed the video, just [...]
Below is a Jan 2012 video of a routine I performed at the American Economic Association humor session in Chicago. It contains bad language (repeated [...]
From BGI student David Rutherford: Peregrine Bosler posted on Facebook that a friend of hers' equates studying econ with the dark arts, although comparing it [...]
In November 2000 I received a complimentary copy of a new microeconomics textbook by two professors at the University of Houston. The book's treatment of [...]
In November 2000 I received a complimentary copy of a new microeconomics textbook by two professors at the University of Houston. The book's treatment of [...]
As an undergrad math major I wrote a senior thesis called "The Abelian Group Structure on Elliptic Curves Saved My Life!" Sadly, I no longer [...]
Dear Austan: You might think that it was quite a shock for me--"the world's first and only stand-up economist"--to find a Wall Street Journal blog [...]
Ari Rubenstein has a hilarious (and thought-provoking) take on participants in the Peak Oil debate, with a "spectrum... from total denial..." Abiotic Oilers: Related to [...]
In early 2009 a fellow named Sultan organized a contest for a TV show about economists. (Here were the rules, here were the entries, and [...]